

At the NCA, we are committed to the implementation of proactive measures to help protect and sustain the environment for future generations, as outlined in our comprehensive environmental policy. We recognise the impact of our operations on the environment and aim to minimise any detrimental effects that may occur.

By working together we can contribute to making a cleaner and safer environment and ensure environmental issues remain a focal point and receive proper attention.

To deliver our commitment, we will:

  • Comply with relevant environmental legislation and take a proactive approach to future requirements and obligations.
  • Seek to conserve natural resources through the responsible use of energy, water and materials during the operation of our business.
  • Monitor performance and aim for continued improvement by remaining aware of new developments and acting on given information wherever possible.
  • Work with suppliers who have compatible policies for managing their impact on the environment.
  • Through our proactive management team, we will ensure that our environmental policy and related efforts are continually reviewed, updated, and communicated to all members of staff. Encourage our Instructors to cycle to and from training sessions wherever feasible, reducing the use of company vehicles.

Recycling of…

Paper, cardboard, glass, plastic, toner cartridges.

Waste compacted to reduce number of collections.

Re-cycling of bicycles back into the local community for use in cycling activities.

Saving energy by…

Monitoring our use of gas and electricity consumption on regular basis.

Use of low energy light bulbs, switching off electrical equipment.

Use of bicycles as a form of transport for staff.

Reduction of…

Waste packaging by the purchase of equipment/tools directly from the wholesaler/manufacturer.

Call NCA Academy with any enquiries on 0161 796 6221 or email info@ncagb.co.uk

Certification and accreditations:

Based at Philips Park in Whitefield

philips park location

Preferred training provider to: